Salam peoples,
I know I said I was going to talk about my trip in my next post but I don’t feel in the mood to discuss it today so I will save that for another post. I realized something today and felt the need to write about it. I know as you grow you change and relationships change as well. I’ve seen all the movies about all the people who used to be really good friends but now aren’t because they have grown apart. I’ve had really great friends that I don’t talk much to anymore because we aren’t that great friends but I never thought my relationship with my cousin would change like that too!
My cousin and I have been very close since we were very young she was like my sister we did everything together told each other secrets and she understood all the stuff I was facing because we were from the same family so we had to deal with the same issues. But, now I feel like we have drifted apart we don’t care about the same things and we rarely talk nowadays. Before we were always on the phone but now we never are and if we are on the phone we don’t talk more then 2 seconds. We always say we’ll text each other but there is only a limited amount of stuff that can be discussed through text. With friends if they don’t make the effort to stay friends I don’t bother but I feel like my cousin was more important to me and I was in denial that we were growing apart. I realized today we are and I have no better word to describe the feeling I feel other then sad. So yea, I feel sad really sad, that we don’t know each other as we did before. But I also realized both of us have been through different things in life and that has changed us into different people and that is why our relationship has changed. We probably won’t be as close as before but she is still my cousin and will still be there.
Whoa!! I just ranted off about this enough and feel much better getting this off my mind!
Its interesting to see my poll results in the side bar..I assumed more people would like patterened hijabs but plain won =] I understand why though plain hijabs can be worn with anything and are more professional looking..But, I still like my funky patterend hijabs =] Check out my new poll and vote!!
Thanks for reading. TTYL