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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

~it ALL ends~

Hey Everybody,
This weekend was Harry Potter weekend and it was awesome and sad at the same time. I have been so excited to see the movie but now it’s so sad because Harry Potter is over. There are no more books or movies to look forward too. This movie coming out has also made me feel old I have been reading Harry Potter since I was in 4th grade and now I’m in college and soon will be graduating [inshallah]. It made me realize how fast time passes. I decided to do a movie review like post today so here goes.

[SPOLIER: If you haven’t watched the movie yet or haven’t read the 7th book I would stop now.]  
The movie was great I thought they did a wonderful job of bringing everything to life. Before watching the movie I was wondering how they would show certain parts like the dragon scene in Gringotts and the knight statues coming to life, and the whole battle but the movie was brilliantly done. I thought the carts they ride in the bank into the vaults were really cool and that could be made into a rollercoaster ride in the Wizarding world in Universals. 
I was disappointed that they didn’t focus a little bit more on the deaths of Fred, Lupin, and Tonks. I thought that was very important, while I was reading the book when I read that they had died I almost cried but the movie just brushed past it. Also with the final scene when they were all adults I was mad that they didn’t show the whole thing they left out the funny parts with Ron and Harry’s son and I wanted to see that. But, I did think it was great how they made them look old and did that whole scene. I’m glad they didn’t use older actors that wouldn’t have been right.
My favorite 10 moments from the movie in no particular order:
1.       Bellatrix’s duel with Mrs. Weasley and her (Bellatrix) death.
2.       Snape’s memory.
3.       Professor McGonagall defending Harry from Snape.
4.       When Voldemort realizes the elder wand belongs to Harry.
5.       Neville killing Nagini
6.       Ron and Hermione’s kiss
7.       Neville’s speech and Harry coming back to life
8.       Escaping on the dragon from the Gringotts
9.       19 years later
10.   The Malfoy’s running away from the battle

Overall the movie was breathtaking and fantastic I would definitely go see it again and again and I’m not saying that because I’m a Harry Potter fanatic [lol].      
Thanks for reading.

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