Salam Sistera,
I love reading quotes by various people and I tend to use them as my status messages on AIM, Skype etc. So the other day I found this quote which I have heard before but this time it reminded me of an incident. The quote: “This world is a prison for the Faithful, but a Paradise for unbelievers.”- Prophet Muhammad [saw]
A couple of years ago, I was 17 at the time and I was at my grandpa’s house back home with my cousins when one of our distant cousin’s came over to visit. She was a year older than me and she covered everything including her hand and feet [she wore gloves in the hot weather!] When she was getting ready to leave and putting on her gloves one of my other cousin’s asked her “why do you wear all that? It’s not mandatory.” She replied “We have to make little sacrifices now for a bigger reward later.” [You could say this incident is what sparked my interest in wearing the hijab.]
I love reading quotes and I love when they can relate to your life. What are some of your favorite quotes?