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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

~Muslim Tag~

I decided to do this tag today which I saw on Rabia's blog.

1)Are you a convert or born Muslim and how about your parents?  I was born a Muslim and so were my parents!!

2) What's your ethnicity and if it was related at all too how you were born then how? I am Sri Lankan Indian American and now I know what many of you are thinking HUH Sri Lanka? Where is that? Well I'll tell you where it is in 3 easy steps...first get a map of the world. Second find India on the map. Third look below India at the tip on the Indian Ocean you will see a tear drop shaped island that is Sri Lanka. [Seriously you guys won't believe how many people ask me this question and how many blank stares I have gotten when I tell people where I'm from. lol]

3) Where are you from and have you been to the Middle East? If yes why and how did you like it? I am from Sri Lanka and came to the US when I was a baby. I have never been to the middle East unless a stop at the airport to switch flights counts...=P

4) What's your favorite Arab/Middle Eastern dish? Umm...IDK does Falafel count?

5) What's the most interesting Islam/Arabic related saying you use day to day? Walahi...does that count as interesting? lol

6) What's the most attractive/unattractive trait and or physical attribute you find toward a Muslim/Arab man? (Vice versa for a male): Most attractive would have to be a friendly smile and I find haughty, arrogant people unattractive.  
7) What do you love most about Islam and what do you struggle with in Islam? The thing that I love the most is that Allah [swt] is just a prayer away. The thing I struggle with the most is interpreting the Quran. Since I don’t speak Arabic I have to rely only on translations and I hate that I can’t read and understand everything myself and that I have to go and read a translation.  

8) What's the most interesting item in your house related to Islam/Middle Eastern culture, excluding the Quran? Probably would have to be this painting of the aytal kursi...I know not very interesting. 

9) Do you speak Arabic? If yes then please say something: LOL I am not a fluent Arabic speaker the only Arabic words I use is inshallah, mashallah....etc

10) List all the Prophets you can remember by heart? So I would like to warn all of you that I am going to do horrible on this question! So with that let me begin...
Peace be upon all of them. I'm surprised I actually got more than 3! [They only reason being I have family members with these names lol]

Okay so now TAG your it!!! Let me know if you do this tag so I can see it.=]

1 comment:

  1. Salaam ! really nice tag ! I did ! here's the link if you'd like to see it :


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