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Saturday, August 27, 2011

~Ramadan..oh how I will miss thou~

Salam Sisters,
Can you believe Ramadan is almost over? This Ramadan has definitely been different for me then past Ramadans. Maybe because this Ramadan was during summer vacation so I actually had time to focus on Ramadan and not worry about homework and class. I am going to miss many things about Ramadan and here are the top three:
  • Family time: Usually my family doesn’t eat together we all have different things to do and are usually busy so we end up waking up, eating, coming, going at different times but because of suhoor and ifthar times we all ended up eating together which was fun.
  • Tarawi Prayers: I started going to Tarawi prayers near the last weeks of Ramadan and it was really nice. I really like seeing other Muslims that lived around me. And it made me feel closer to these people since we were all there at the Masjid for the same reason.
  • Walking in the street after Tarawi: I usually am not outside after midnight unless I went to a party or something. It was wonderful walking in the streets that were near empty. I liked that there wasn’t many cars on the road and the slight summer breeze.

What will you guys miss?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

~College Bound~

Salaam Sisters,
Can't believe how fast time flies summer is almost over! Today I decided I would share some tips on college/university for those sisters who will be starting this semester.
  • Join your school Muslim Student club/ organizations!!! Seriously, I was so stupid and didn’t join freshman year because I thought that it would be weird since I didn’t wear hijab. I don’t know what was wrong with me. I also was really nervous to walk into the MSA. I thought no one would talk to me and it would just be awkward. I joined last year and I felt so stupid for not going earlier. I found out about Islamic events taking place at my school as well as schools near us. I also met some really nice sisters and it made me wonder what I was so nervous about. No matter if you wear the hijab or not you should join the MSA you can meet people that go to your school that you probably would never meet. Its also great because you can pray there. Its really convenient.
  • Study! Okay so this tip probably seems really unnecessary but I felt the need to include it. When I was in high school I was the type of student that never studied. I rarely studied for tests and still did well in the classes just by remembering what I learned in class. Freshman year I went into college with this habit and didn’t study for my classes. Big mistake I did horrible on my first few tests and realized I actually needed to study on my own. Some professors didn’t even explain certain concepts properly and I had to rely on the textbook and my own study time. So it probably seems like a stupid tip but I feel its really important.
  • Buy used textbooks and look online for good deals. Freshman year I bought all my textbooks at my school store. I was stupid and got new textbooks which are double the price and when I went to sell them back I didn’t even get half the money back. I was so mad I bought this one textbook for $100 and when I went to sell it I got $6 back that’s it no joke! Look online and try to find better deals then your school store. You could be using the left over money on other things.
  • Use a site like Rate my Professor to find out about your professor before you take a class with them. In college the professor is really important. If you don’t like the professor or they way they teach your grades will suffer. If you don’t like to listen to lectures don’t pick a professor who only lectures etc. Unlike in high school you actually get to choose your professor. So don’t get stuck with someone you won’t like.
Okay so those are the tips I felt were important and if I could go back in time I would follow them all. Inshallah these tips help some you guys. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

~Seriously, What is wrong with this picture?~

Assalamu Walaikum Sisters,

I was reading this sister’s blog when I came across this picture which really annoyed me.

First of all this picture makes it look like that if you don’t wear an abaya you are going to hell. I find this really offensive and wrong . Yes, a Muslim woman is supposed to be modest but that’s not the only thing she’s supposed to be. There is many aspects to a Muslim women not just clothing; behavior, intentions and other things are accounted for. This picture makes it look like as long as you wear an abaya you will go to jannah. I actually find the other woman’s outfit really cute and with a few tweaks I would even wear it. What do you ladies think about this picture?

Thanks for reading. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

~You don't need to feel Sorry!~

Salam Sisters,

As you all might know I recently began wearing hijab it hasn't even been a year so I still get surprised reactions from people when they see me after awhile with my hair covered. Everybody is different and each person has a different reaction and many people's reaction to my hijab has been fine. The other day something happened that really annoyed me.

So there's this lady who's my mom's friend. She invitd my family to her house for her daughter's birthday party [this was in April] and I got all dressed up in a fancy shalwar and my hijab. I hadn't seen this lady since I started wearing hijab so my family walks in and she greets us and then her jaw drops when she sees me. I smile at her and she asks me "What's that on your head??!" I smiled and I was like a scarf. Then she makes a face and she's like "Did your mom make you do it? Why'd you make her wear that she's young?" My mom says I didn't make her do anything it was her decision. I just smiled and didn't say anything. 

So the other day this lady comes to my house. Apparently she was behind me when I was walking home from the library but I didn't see her. She come's over and she's talking with my mom and when I walk into the room she starts telling my mom how bad she feels for me. She tells my mom how she was walking behind me and how I had a scarf wrapped around my head and was wearing long sleeves in this hot weather and how it's so hot and why I feel the need to wear it. She also says she knows many other Muslims in America and back home and they don't wear it so why do I have too? She goes on a whole big rant about how she feels sorry for me and then my mom tries to explain why we wear the hijab.   

I told her you don't need to feel sorry for me and I do it because I want to please Allah. But, I was really annoyed and frustrated that she felt sorry for me because I was wearing the hijab. I mean if I was sick or had an essay due the next day she could feel sorry for me and I would totally join in with her to talk about how my life sucks but I really didn't think the hijab was something to feel bad about. And I know she's not the only person who feels this way but seriously I just wish they could understand you don't need to feel sorry! 

Anyways, I hope Ramadan's going well for eveyone.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

~Hadeeth Time~

Salam Ladies,

Hope fasting is going well for you all. Thought I would come do a qick post today.

I heard 2 hadeeths today and thought I would share them with you guys. These hadeeth were told to me by some other people and I'm just retelling it to you guys in my own words [which probably doesn't sound very scholarly like lol].  

I don't know if you all know the dua you should say when exiting the house if you don't its here it is:
 Bismillahi tawakkal tu alal laahi la howla wala quwwata illa billah(i)
Well the hadeeth says when you exit the house Satan is waiting by your door to lead you astray and entice you to do bad things. When you step out of the house the first thing you should say is the above dua which will show Satan that you are not easily mislead and he will leave to go bug someone else. [Now when I leave my house I imagine satan waiting by the door and I say the dua and karate chop him and say take that satan you are not going to mislead me today! lol] 

The other hadeeth actually has something to do with Ramadan. Its about how duas asked by a person who is fasting. When it is asked during iftar time Allah [swt] will not refuse it.

So those were the 2 hadeeths you guys probably have already heard them but I thought they were cool so I decided to share. I can't believe how fast Ramadan is going and hopefully everyone's fasting isn't hard and is going well. Don't forget to ask dua during iftar! =]


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

~It's Ramadan~

Hello Ladies,

Ramadan Mubarak!!
Can You believe it? Its already the third day and before you know it it’ll be Eid.

I was worried fasting will be hard this year because I would have to fast for more then 15 hours but it’s not bad at all allhumdulillah.

When I’m fasting I try not to do anything, especially go outside in this over 100F weather. But, yesterday I had to run some errands for my mom and all the walking in the sun really made me thirsty. I was trying to keep my mind of the thirst by saying all the surahs I have memorized over and over in my head and it really helped.

Fasting is really helping me be a better person [I feel like that’s a cliché lol] but its really true. I was talking with people yesterday and they started talking about another person and I was like I shouldn’t say anything and excused myself and left. Yah me!!! [Inshallah I can keep this up even after Ramadan. Its really hard to not get sucked into a conversation no matter how hard you try.]

I really want to go to the park lol I know that’s so random and has nothing to do with Ramadan but, in July my family and I went to this park for a BBQ and had a blast. The park we went to was pretty big and had a lake which you could go boating on. They had the options of renting a pedal boat or a row boat and I opted for the pedal boat because I have already tried row boating. I loved the pedal boat it was much more easier to control then a row boat. You just pedal to make it go and there is a stick thingy in the middle which you move left or right to steer. After boating we ate and played badminton, and soccer. Afterward, we were just sitting around the park bored when I got my whole entire family to join in on a game of charades. It was loads of fun and hilarious watching my parents, my uncles and aunties acting. The day was awesome and jam packed with family bonding and remembering that day really makes me thankful to Allah for all the he has given me [mashallah].

That’s all for today folks =]