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Thursday, August 18, 2011

~Seriously, What is wrong with this picture?~

Assalamu Walaikum Sisters,

I was reading this sister’s blog when I came across this picture which really annoyed me.

First of all this picture makes it look like that if you don’t wear an abaya you are going to hell. I find this really offensive and wrong . Yes, a Muslim woman is supposed to be modest but that’s not the only thing she’s supposed to be. There is many aspects to a Muslim women not just clothing; behavior, intentions and other things are accounted for. This picture makes it look like as long as you wear an abaya you will go to jannah. I actually find the other woman’s outfit really cute and with a few tweaks I would even wear it. What do you ladies think about this picture?

Thanks for reading. 


  1. Salaam

    The girl with the abaya is supposed to represent a woman in Islam and the other one a non-muslim girl. And even if I don't wear abayas outside I think that the picture is good.

    It's obvious that the second outfit it too tight. We should wear such kind of outfits at home but not outside.

    And you're right, not only women with abayas wille enter jannah. Somebody can start wearing an abaya but still remain a horrible person. Nevertheless we should dress modest outside. No tight clothes where you can see the shape of our body and no gaudy colours.

  2. Salam AmatulAziz, Oh I didn't even think of your interpertation, I just assumed they were supposed to be both Muslim girls. But, now I see what your saying and I agree modesty is very important but I just felt this picture was making it look like thats all that counts.

  3. The girl on the right looks like Kim Kardashian.

  4. I see how both of your interpretations work... If you take it the first way, it shows that the more we stick to the Sunnah, and the conduct of the Sahabiyyahs, the better chance we have at Janat. If you take it the second way, (that it is a stereotypical representation of the abaya), then it is a good reminder that people should not judge the outward appearance of a Muslimah, whether she wears the abaya or not, because for all we know, she might be very pious.

  5. To me, the picture shows a muslim girl and a non-muslim girl. Hijab (as a concept, not just a scarf on your head) is the identity of a muslim woman. I agree other things count as well but, it is difficult to show all those other factors in a photo. This is purely on an identity basis. 1 muslim, 1 isn't. so how best to distinguish between the 2 at first glance? hijab.

    On a lighter note; love your blog sis, very groovy layout =D xx

  6. Hey there, I just wanted to say thanks for the comments you left on my blog yesterday (3 in one day? I'm honoured!) :D & about the photo, i think everyones right really and that it can be interpreted in many ways.



Hey, I love reading comments so leave your thoughts! Don't be rude please. Thank you for taking your time to let me know what you think.:-)