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Saturday, August 27, 2011

~Ramadan..oh how I will miss thou~

Salam Sisters,
Can you believe Ramadan is almost over? This Ramadan has definitely been different for me then past Ramadans. Maybe because this Ramadan was during summer vacation so I actually had time to focus on Ramadan and not worry about homework and class. I am going to miss many things about Ramadan and here are the top three:
  • Family time: Usually my family doesn’t eat together we all have different things to do and are usually busy so we end up waking up, eating, coming, going at different times but because of suhoor and ifthar times we all ended up eating together which was fun.
  • Tarawi Prayers: I started going to Tarawi prayers near the last weeks of Ramadan and it was really nice. I really like seeing other Muslims that lived around me. And it made me feel closer to these people since we were all there at the Masjid for the same reason.
  • Walking in the street after Tarawi: I usually am not outside after midnight unless I went to a party or something. It was wonderful walking in the streets that were near empty. I liked that there wasn’t many cars on the road and the slight summer breeze.

What will you guys miss?


  1. I will miss ramadan too.

    Happy Eid.

    Your new follower .Follow me back.

  2. I'll be missing all of those things too. It's not everyday you get to spend time eating with the family. That, and all the different kinds of fried food. :P


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