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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

~Hadeeth Time~

Salam Ladies,

Hope fasting is going well for you all. Thought I would come do a qick post today.

I heard 2 hadeeths today and thought I would share them with you guys. These hadeeth were told to me by some other people and I'm just retelling it to you guys in my own words [which probably doesn't sound very scholarly like lol].  

I don't know if you all know the dua you should say when exiting the house if you don't its here it is:
 Bismillahi tawakkal tu alal laahi la howla wala quwwata illa billah(i)
Well the hadeeth says when you exit the house Satan is waiting by your door to lead you astray and entice you to do bad things. When you step out of the house the first thing you should say is the above dua which will show Satan that you are not easily mislead and he will leave to go bug someone else. [Now when I leave my house I imagine satan waiting by the door and I say the dua and karate chop him and say take that satan you are not going to mislead me today! lol] 

The other hadeeth actually has something to do with Ramadan. Its about how duas asked by a person who is fasting. When it is asked during iftar time Allah [swt] will not refuse it.

So those were the 2 hadeeths you guys probably have already heard them but I thought they were cool so I decided to share. I can't believe how fast Ramadan is going and hopefully everyone's fasting isn't hard and is going well. Don't forget to ask dua during iftar! =]


1 comment:

  1. You're right, Ramadan is just zooming by. Hehe, I like how you refer to the first Hadith as a karate chop to Shaitan. What I love about this dua is the feeling of protection it offers while remaining outside.
    Btw, congrats on the 1,000 views.


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