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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

~Memory Spraking Quote~

Salam Sistera,
I love reading quotes by various people and I tend to use them as my status messages on AIM, Skype etc. So the other day I found this quote which I have heard before but this time it reminded me of an incident. The quote:  This world is a prison for the Faithful, but a Paradise for unbelievers.”- Prophet Muhammad [saw]
A couple of years ago, I was 17 at the time and I was at my grandpa’s house back home with my cousins when one of our distant cousin’s came over to visit. She was a year older than me and she covered everything including her hand and feet [she wore gloves in the hot weather!] When she was getting ready to leave and putting on her gloves one of my other cousin’s asked her “why do you wear all that? It’s not mandatory.” She replied “We have to make little sacrifices now for a bigger reward later.” [You could say this incident is what sparked my interest in wearing the hijab.]
I love reading quotes and I love when they can relate to your life. What are some of your favorite quotes?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

~Muslim Tag~

I decided to do this tag today which I saw on Rabia's blog.

1)Are you a convert or born Muslim and how about your parents?  I was born a Muslim and so were my parents!!

2) What's your ethnicity and if it was related at all too how you were born then how? I am Sri Lankan Indian American and now I know what many of you are thinking HUH Sri Lanka? Where is that? Well I'll tell you where it is in 3 easy steps...first get a map of the world. Second find India on the map. Third look below India at the tip on the Indian Ocean you will see a tear drop shaped island that is Sri Lanka. [Seriously you guys won't believe how many people ask me this question and how many blank stares I have gotten when I tell people where I'm from. lol]

3) Where are you from and have you been to the Middle East? If yes why and how did you like it? I am from Sri Lanka and came to the US when I was a baby. I have never been to the middle East unless a stop at the airport to switch flights counts...=P

4) What's your favorite Arab/Middle Eastern dish? Umm...IDK does Falafel count?

5) What's the most interesting Islam/Arabic related saying you use day to day? Walahi...does that count as interesting? lol

6) What's the most attractive/unattractive trait and or physical attribute you find toward a Muslim/Arab man? (Vice versa for a male): Most attractive would have to be a friendly smile and I find haughty, arrogant people unattractive.  
7) What do you love most about Islam and what do you struggle with in Islam? The thing that I love the most is that Allah [swt] is just a prayer away. The thing I struggle with the most is interpreting the Quran. Since I don’t speak Arabic I have to rely only on translations and I hate that I can’t read and understand everything myself and that I have to go and read a translation.  

8) What's the most interesting item in your house related to Islam/Middle Eastern culture, excluding the Quran? Probably would have to be this painting of the aytal kursi...I know not very interesting. 

9) Do you speak Arabic? If yes then please say something: LOL I am not a fluent Arabic speaker the only Arabic words I use is inshallah, mashallah....etc

10) List all the Prophets you can remember by heart? So I would like to warn all of you that I am going to do horrible on this question! So with that let me begin...
Peace be upon all of them. I'm surprised I actually got more than 3! [They only reason being I have family members with these names lol]

Okay so now TAG your it!!! Let me know if you do this tag so I can see it.=]

Thursday, September 22, 2011

~Maxi Lover~

Salam Sisters,
Thought I would do an OOTD today.
I am really becoming a maxi dress lover. I never used to wear dresses and now I love too.
Today I wore a plain gray halter maxi dress with a green cardigan on top. I wore a floral black, gray and green scarf. I don't like to wear to many accessories so I jus kept it simple with a green bracelet.  

Dress: Local Store
Cardigan: Daffy's
Scarf: Local Store
Shoes: Local Store
Bracelet: Gift

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

~Nosy People~

Hello Ladies,

Hope you all are doing well. Today's post is about something that happened to me.
So yesterday my friend and I went to the park between classes. The weather wasn't really hot its been getting cooler where I live and it was a perfect day to be outside not to hot or too cold. So we were talking about the park and the squirrels and the trees [lol I know weird things to talk about] and I was telling my friend about how another friend of ours kicked a tree [lol long story I'm not going to go into that story right now]. Anyway so while we were talking there was this lady that was walking her dog. She stopped right behind us but I didn't think much about it. But, all of a sudden she asks me "why did she kick the tree?"
I was like "huh?" I didn't know I had an audience.
The lady then goes "Young people these days, you have no respect for nature," and then walks away before I could even reply.
She really annoyed me like why was she being so nosy and listening to our conversation and then she has the nerve to tell me I have no respect for nature. This really pissed me off.

Anyways that's all for today.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

~Henna Obsessed~

Salam Sisters,

Today's post will be a quick one. So my henna from Eid has disappeared and we had left over tubes of henna so of course I did my henna again. I also did my cousins's.

I guess the saying practice makes perfect is true because the more I put Henna the more I'm getting better at it. I'm not great at it yet but inshallahI get better.
That's all for today. Inshallah I will talk to you in another post.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

~A Week in Photos~

Salam Sisters,

I know I have been MIA and took so long to put up my Eid OOTD. But, now I have gotten back into the flow of things and inshallah will be able to do posts regularly. I thought I would try something new and share with you guys what I have been up to while I was away.

1. Fall semester for College has started and I have been busy buying textbooks, rearranging my scheduale, and doing homework. =[
2. This whole summer my family did not go to the beach. So we planned a trip to the beach before Fall begins. I usually hate the beach but I actually enjoyed myself this time. It wasn't as crowded or as hot. We bought food with us for lunch and the sea gulls tried stealing it. 
3. I went shopping and bought myself lots of lotion at Bath and Body Works. [They were having a sale.]
4. My sisters and I made cupcakes for fun.
5. My sisters and I went to the shoe store and tried on shoes. We didn't buy anything eventhough I was in love with the blue heels pictured above.
6. Went to a  party. I love getting dressed up in Desi clothes with bangles.
7. Went to the airport to pick up my cousins who were coming back from their vacation.

That's all for now. Take care.

Monday, September 12, 2011

~Dressing up 4 Eid~

Salam Sisters,

Hope all of you are well. This is a very late Eid OOTD. I have been really busy and haven't been able to post this till today.

I wore a Anarkali Shalwar Kameez. So this is how the top looks on the hanger. It is short sleeved and the pants are skinny legged. Its a really flowy top [which I am attempting to show on the 3rd picture.] Of course all the detail in the top portion got covered up by my hijab.

I added this cardigan from Wet Seal. I love this cardigan and pair it with lots of different outfits.


Shalwars come with their own scarves called duppattas. Mine came with a plain red one which I paired with the whiteish scarf above.

I ended up wearing the hijab like this. [LOL this looks so weird after I cut my face out]

So that's my delayed Eid OOTD!!
Inshallah I will talk to you in another post till then Allahafiz.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

~It's Eid~

Salaam Sisters!!!!

Eid Mubarak! I hope all of you had a wonderful and joyful Eid with your family and friends. My Eid was great but not as great as it could’ve been because some of my family and friends celebrated a different day then me. I don’t understand why this keeps happening every year I hate that we can’t agree on one day and celebrate in unity. Other than this fact I had a fun time.

I love putting on Henna/Mehandi the day before Eid. I ended up doing my own hand as well as my sisters which was fun but I am not the greatest Henna artist. I also went a little crazy and didn’t want to stop putting it on my hand even though my hand was already filled up.

My Eid day consisted of my family and I going to pray then talking on Skype with family back home. Afterwards we had a huge lunch of goat biryani, and fried chicken. Throughout the day people kept coming to visit us which was awesome.

Insallah I will put up a Eid OOTD soon…Till then,