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Sunday, November 18, 2012

~Blue Nails~

I like painting my nails and I don't really get to often because you can't pray with it on! The other day I did paint my nails in my favorite color blue and loved it even though its fall right now and its more of a spring/summer color! This is totally a random post just wanted to share this picture!! 

Friday, November 16, 2012

~Eid Henna~

Eid is when I usually put Henna so here is the Henna I did on my sisters' and my hand!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

~Belated Eid Mubarak ~

I know I keep disappearing and then I come back apologizing and saying I will update more often but the thing is life is crazy and things happen and I don’t update! Sorry about that but I’m not going to make promises anymore I will update as often as I CAN!

I finally sent in my graduate school applications inshallah I get in!! The reason I was gone so long was that my uncle came to visit us from SL literally the day after my last post. We went on many sightseeing trips with him and it was so much fun. I’ll share pictures from the trips in a later post.

After he left it was Eid!! BTW Eid Mubarak!!! Below is a picture of my Eid OOTD!!
Belated Eid Mubarak!  

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

~Graduation OOTD~

Hello Hello,

In May I graduated and I know that was awhile back but today I thought I'd share what I wore with you ladies. 

Dress: Khol's (Lauren Conrad)
Cardigan: Kohl's
Shoes: Payless
Scarf: Local Store

I am wearing jewelry but you can't see any of it. =/ 


Sunday, September 23, 2012

~Cousin's Wedding~

Salam ladies,

As I mentioned in a previous post one of my cousin's got married recently in  Sri Lanka. I was really sad that I couldn't attend her wedding. I never go to weddings I've been to like only 4 weddings in my entire life and I'm 21 so that's not many at all IMO.

Her wedding was at a really nice hotel and according to my family it was beautiful and great. I can't really say much about it since  wasn't there but I'll share some pictures instead.

This is how the bridal stage looked.(ignore the blob of white). I thought it was really pretty and I loved how all the colors went together.

This was her bouquet. I like the addition of the beigeish flowers and little red balls.

Lastly this was her dress. I thought it was really pretty it had really nice detailed designs on it and the sleeves are gorgeous. I've always had a thing for lace lol.

Oh right that's all for now, TTYL,

Friday, September 21, 2012

~Henna Madness ~


I talked about my Eid outfit in my last post but didn't mention anything about Henna at all!! So yeah here are some pictures of mine and my sisters' Henna.

I didn't do all the Henna a family friend did some for us too and she's really good! I need to practice so I can be as good as her one day inshallah!! 

That's for today,

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

~Never to Late: Eid Outfit~

Salam Lovely Ladies,

I know Eid was like a month ago but today I decided to share my Eid outfit with you (better late then never right?)
I wore a shalwar kameez which is a traditional Indian outfit but we Sri lankans wear them too. A shalwar kameez is made up of 3 parts the top, the pants, and the scarf or duppata.

 The top was pink had long sleeves and designs on the bottom.
The pants were a really pretty blue (my fave color) and had designs near the ankles.
And lastly the duppata was blue with some pink and really big. I ended up tying it as my hijab. 

So that was my outfit for Eid not that fancy.

A week after Eid my cousin got married in Sri Lanka. I didn't get to go to the wedding but I was sent loads of pictures so I'll do a blog posting on it. So stay tuned.

BTW follow me on Instagram/twitter if you want!

Later Lovelies,

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Job Interview Outfit Ideas for Hijabis

Salam ladies,
I have been going to tons of job interviews these days and everyday when I get dressed I stand in front of my closet wondering what I should wear. You want to give a good impression and have a cute outfit as well as be modest. So I thought I’d share some outfit ideas and tips.

If you are opting to wear pants pick a simple color like black or beige. Make sure they aren’t made out of denim. Jeans are a no no.

Wear a simple hijab. No funky patterns or crazy bold colors.

Bring a copy of your resume and cover letter even if they already have one.

Bring a nice roomy bag so you can put any papers they give you.

Wear flats. This is more of my preference you can wear heels if you want to but no sneakers. The reason I opt for flats is because I usually have to walk a lot to get to the place and wearing heels ends up killing my feet.

Below are two outfit ideas I put together. Not all the pieces need to be worn with that outfit I just put them there to give you ideas.
Outfit #1: Pants

If you are wearing pants like this outfit I would pick a different colored blouse so you don’t look like a blob of black. Make sure the blouse is long so it can be modest and hijab friendly. This outfit is pretty plain so you can add accessories like bracelets, necklaces, and rings to dress it up. Also I choose plain flats but you can opt for cuter heels if you prefer. You can add a blazer to this sort of outfit if you want.
Outfit #2: Dress

This outfit is more similar to what I would wear. I would wear a plain long maxi dress like this really cute purple one. I think you should stay away from funky or floral patterned dresses. I added a white blazer which makes the whole outfit more bussinessy (let’s pretend that’s a word). I choose white because I thought it would go well with the purple. If your dress is black, or grey I would recommend a more colorful blazer like pink, coral, or blue instead of a black blazer because black blazer on top of black dress would be way too much black in my opinion. You should definitely wear a watch and you can add bangles around it (I love arm candy!) (BTW I know I kind of went a little crazy on the bracelets on this outfit but I wouldn’t wear all of it. It’s just an idea of what you can use to accessorize your outfit.)    

So yeah those are my Job Interview outfit tips and ideas and I hope they helped. If you ladies have any ideas and tips let me know them I’m always looking for new ways to dress for interviews. Good Luck with your interviews and keep me in your duas. Inshallah we all find awesome jobs soon.

Allahafiz ladies,

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Where have I been?

Salam, Hello there,

I know I have been totally MIA sorry about that. So much has happened in my life since I last updated!

I graduated College/University with my Bachelor’s Degree in English and Psychology Alhumdililah  Yeah!! Now I am applying to Grad school so inshallah that goes well please keep me in your duas.

I got married JUST KIDDING lol I’m not ready for that even though my mom thinks I am.

I have been job hunting but no luck so far.

So what have you guys been up to? Anything exciting happen in your lives? Please share I would love to know!

Allahafiz lovelies,

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

~Hijabi Tag~

 Hey Everyone, 
So I'm doing the hijabi tag today which I've been wanting to do and
I was tagged by Afreen (Thoughts of a little women) so I decided to do it today!! So here goes:

1. How old were you when you started wearing the hijab? 
I just started wearing a hijab this past year. I started exactly on my 20th birthday.

2. What or who influenced you to become a hijabi ? 
  Many things influenced me to wear the hijab like my family, freinds, and the Quran.

3. How has hijab changed your life?
I feel hijab has changed my life for the better alhumdullilah! Ever since I started wearing it I feel like my life is so much easier, I feel less stressed in the morning before school not having to worry about my hair. I also feel the hijab has made me into a better person because it reminds me to be a good Muslim.

4. What does hijab mean to you?
Hijab represents my faith and my love for Allah (swt). It's something I wear firstly because Allah (swt) has told us too.

5. How do you deal with the rude comments/stares you get due to being a hijabi?
I've never really gotten any rude comments mashallah! But sometimes people do stare and when they do I just smile at them and be friendly so they can approach me if they had any questions. 

6. What is your favorite thing about wearing the hijab? 
I like that it makes me feel closer to other sisters. Ever since I started wearing the hijab when I go to the mall or any other public place other hijabis say "Salam" to me and talk to me because of this I've met so many new people. I also like that it gives more confidence and makes me a better Muslim. 

7. What is your hijab must have accessory?
Pins, pins, and lots of pins or else my hijab will go flying lol

8. What advice could you give a newbie hijabi?
That its not as scary as it seems and Allah (swt) is there to guide you. Also you should talk to other hijabis because they could help you.
9. What is one hijab trend you never understood?

10. What questions do you get asked the most due to wearing the hijab? 
Why do you wear it?
Don't you feel hot?
Why are you covering your hair?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

~The Bride~.

Hello Ladies,
So in the past two posts I talked about what I wore for the wedding I attended but as we all know the bride is the most important part of the wedding!! So I thought I would share with you what my friend wore for her wedding. I thought she looked beautiful. 

Where I'm from brides typically wear white dresses so of course my Bride friend wore white too. Since my friend wears the hijab but didn't wear one for her wedding I won't be sharing any of her pictures from the wedding.

The Dress was similar to this.
Google Images

The bottom part had this design though.
 For the reception she wore a lehenga choli. 
Almost like this.
Google Images
So yea that's kind of what the bride wore for the wedding. The pictures are very close to what she actually wore!! I had lots of fun and she looked fantastic so its all good!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

~Wedding Guest~

Salam Sisters,

So I attended a wedding a couple of weeks ago and I was stressing about what to wear. This is the first wedding I attended after I began wearing the hijab so it was really hard to figure out what to wear.
It was a family friend's wedding and people usually wear Indian a fancy shalwar kameez, lehanga choli, saree, etc.I really wanted to wear a saree but if you guys know how a saree looks you'll know it's not very covering if worn in the typical way. 
Google Images
Also it's not very comfortable [for me anyway]. But, I actually did end up wearing a saree for the wedding and fixing it so it covered me very well. I ended up wearing the underskirt thingy higher up so my waist was covered but I also wore a long sleeved shirt under the blouse so  my arms were covered as well as anything else. I just wrapped my hijab on top and was good to go. Only problem was walking lol.
I wore a black hijab. [I couldn't find any good pictures of me in the saree.]

My saree was similar to this but a little bit less fancy and the blouses sleeves were much longer.
Google Images
 What do you guys wear for weddings? Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

~Henna Party~

Salam Sisters,

It's been so long since I have done a real post. A couple of weeks ago I attended a wedding and henna party (mehndi party) for a family friend. We had loads of fun. This type of party typically takes place the night before the wedding and the bride gets her hands and feet decorated with henna. The guests are usually just girls/women  and they also get their hands decorated if they want. [This is how we do it where I'm from but I know every country is different.]

I ended up wearing an Anarkali Chudithar similar to the one in the middle below but mine was corally peach and beige colored.
Main Picture from Google Images
Your going to have to imagine how this all looks together because I wasn't wearing my hijab when I took pictures in the outfit.

I'll post another update on the wedding outfit. 
Till then!

Monday, January 2, 2012

~New Year~

Happy New Year!!!!!
OMG I cannot believe its 2012 already. Inshallah this year is filled with fun and joy for all of you! 
Google Images