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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

~Flying Time~

Whoa how does time fly! My last post was about Thanksgiving and its almost Christmas break now!! Finals are still not over for me hence why I have been MIA! I have one more paper and a final exam then I'm done and can enjoy myself.

This semester I feel less stressed and scared about finals maybe it's the fact that I've gotten some practice all the other finals week or maybe its because all of them are spread out and aren't all in one week. Anyway the best thing to do for finals week is to prioritize and get what needs to be done out of the way. If you have a paper and a final the same day get the paper done in advance. And if you have 2-3 exams in one day you should start studying early so you have more time to study for each exam. 

Anyways I just came to pop in and let you know what I have been up to. Hope all of you are doing fine.

Scarf Girl

Monday, November 28, 2011

~Thanksgiving Weekend~

I hope all of you enjoyed Thanksgiving with family and friends. I am so sad the weekend is over and its back to hectic school. =[

Here are some pictures I took over the weekend. 

1. A Red Velvet cake I got at a bakery I went to with a friend for Thanksgiving. I ended up sharing it with my sisters who loved it as much as me.
2 & 3. View of the Skyline from the East River. [Took picture on my phone in the didn't really capture the beauty]
  4. Frozen yogurt from a new place we randomly walked by. I got peanut butter cups and lots of cookie dough and one rainbow cookie on top of mine. [The rainbow cookie wasn't that great ended up throwing it away but the rest of it was tasty!] I got a small but it was so big that I was able to take it home and eat it the next day.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

~Coral Love~

Salam Sisters,

Thought  I would pop in and say Hello.
This semester is going by fast! I feel like I just took midterms and finals are just around the corner. Can you believe its almost Thanksgiving then December!! Thanksgiving is coming right on time I really need a break from school. Thanksgiving means Black Friday is coming as well but I don't think I will be shopping then [because I'm broke :( ] 

I am really loving the color Coral right now and realized I have nothing this color. I know its Fall and coral is more of a springy color but I feel like you can totally incorporate some of these pieces into your outfit.
All items are from Forever 21

Anyway, I should get back to the essay I'm supposed to be writing...


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

~Update: Snow and Eid~

Salam Sisters,

I can't believe I haven't updated since October! I'm sorry about that but being in College/University really takes up time. October was so hectic with midterms and essays I didn't even have time to breathe [not literally lol]. I still have a couple more tests this week and next but now its a little more manageable so I can stop neglecting this blog.

I can’t believe how fast time flies and that it‘s already fall and almost winter! I love fall from the cool weather to the awesome clothes. A couple of weeks ago it snowed here where I live which was crazy, snow in October! That day my family and I had went shopping and it was snowing lightly when we went into the store and when we came back out our car was covered in snow and it was windy and snow was falling like crazy. The ride back home was hard because we couldn’t see properly. That night we went to a birthday party and I wore flats and the snow had actually stuck on the ground in some places so my feet were wet and freezing by the time I got home. Flats and snow do not mix!

Eid Mubarak once again to everyone, I hope all of you had a wonderful Eid!! My Eid was good I ate a lot of good food and took a break from worrying about school. As you all may know I love putting on Henna even though I am not that good at it but I believe practice makes perfect and so I always find excuses to put it on myself or someone else. Of course preparation for Eid includes putting henna [in my house it is anyway]. I put it on myself as well as my sisters. Here is a picture of what I did:

Anyway Inshallah I will be doing more posts now that midterms are over. I still can’t believe its November and before you know it it’ll be December and Finals time. =[

Take care,

Sunday, November 6, 2011

~Eid Mubarak~

Salam sisters,
Eid Mubarak!
I know I have been neglecting this blog but I am back!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

~Pink and Navy~

Hello Ladies,

I hope all of you are doing well! So today I was on the Forever 21 website looking at their stuff and wishing I had money so I could buy things when I decided to put together an Imaginary/Dream/I wish I had this OOTD! Inshallah I can get some of these things soon they aren't that expensive but when your in college you can't just spend money on clothes! =]

All items can be found on the F21 website! Pictures aren't mine they belong to F21!
Don't you just love how well the colors navy and pink go together?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

~Memory Spraking Quote~

Salam Sistera,
I love reading quotes by various people and I tend to use them as my status messages on AIM, Skype etc. So the other day I found this quote which I have heard before but this time it reminded me of an incident. The quote:  This world is a prison for the Faithful, but a Paradise for unbelievers.”- Prophet Muhammad [saw]
A couple of years ago, I was 17 at the time and I was at my grandpa’s house back home with my cousins when one of our distant cousin’s came over to visit. She was a year older than me and she covered everything including her hand and feet [she wore gloves in the hot weather!] When she was getting ready to leave and putting on her gloves one of my other cousin’s asked her “why do you wear all that? It’s not mandatory.” She replied “We have to make little sacrifices now for a bigger reward later.” [You could say this incident is what sparked my interest in wearing the hijab.]
I love reading quotes and I love when they can relate to your life. What are some of your favorite quotes?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

~Muslim Tag~

I decided to do this tag today which I saw on Rabia's blog.

1)Are you a convert or born Muslim and how about your parents?  I was born a Muslim and so were my parents!!

2) What's your ethnicity and if it was related at all too how you were born then how? I am Sri Lankan Indian American and now I know what many of you are thinking HUH Sri Lanka? Where is that? Well I'll tell you where it is in 3 easy steps...first get a map of the world. Second find India on the map. Third look below India at the tip on the Indian Ocean you will see a tear drop shaped island that is Sri Lanka. [Seriously you guys won't believe how many people ask me this question and how many blank stares I have gotten when I tell people where I'm from. lol]

3) Where are you from and have you been to the Middle East? If yes why and how did you like it? I am from Sri Lanka and came to the US when I was a baby. I have never been to the middle East unless a stop at the airport to switch flights counts...=P

4) What's your favorite Arab/Middle Eastern dish? Umm...IDK does Falafel count?

5) What's the most interesting Islam/Arabic related saying you use day to day? Walahi...does that count as interesting? lol

6) What's the most attractive/unattractive trait and or physical attribute you find toward a Muslim/Arab man? (Vice versa for a male): Most attractive would have to be a friendly smile and I find haughty, arrogant people unattractive.  
7) What do you love most about Islam and what do you struggle with in Islam? The thing that I love the most is that Allah [swt] is just a prayer away. The thing I struggle with the most is interpreting the Quran. Since I don’t speak Arabic I have to rely only on translations and I hate that I can’t read and understand everything myself and that I have to go and read a translation.  

8) What's the most interesting item in your house related to Islam/Middle Eastern culture, excluding the Quran? Probably would have to be this painting of the aytal kursi...I know not very interesting. 

9) Do you speak Arabic? If yes then please say something: LOL I am not a fluent Arabic speaker the only Arabic words I use is inshallah, mashallah....etc

10) List all the Prophets you can remember by heart? So I would like to warn all of you that I am going to do horrible on this question! So with that let me begin...
Peace be upon all of them. I'm surprised I actually got more than 3! [They only reason being I have family members with these names lol]

Okay so now TAG your it!!! Let me know if you do this tag so I can see it.=]

Thursday, September 22, 2011

~Maxi Lover~

Salam Sisters,
Thought I would do an OOTD today.
I am really becoming a maxi dress lover. I never used to wear dresses and now I love too.
Today I wore a plain gray halter maxi dress with a green cardigan on top. I wore a floral black, gray and green scarf. I don't like to wear to many accessories so I jus kept it simple with a green bracelet.  

Dress: Local Store
Cardigan: Daffy's
Scarf: Local Store
Shoes: Local Store
Bracelet: Gift

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

~Nosy People~

Hello Ladies,

Hope you all are doing well. Today's post is about something that happened to me.
So yesterday my friend and I went to the park between classes. The weather wasn't really hot its been getting cooler where I live and it was a perfect day to be outside not to hot or too cold. So we were talking about the park and the squirrels and the trees [lol I know weird things to talk about] and I was telling my friend about how another friend of ours kicked a tree [lol long story I'm not going to go into that story right now]. Anyway so while we were talking there was this lady that was walking her dog. She stopped right behind us but I didn't think much about it. But, all of a sudden she asks me "why did she kick the tree?"
I was like "huh?" I didn't know I had an audience.
The lady then goes "Young people these days, you have no respect for nature," and then walks away before I could even reply.
She really annoyed me like why was she being so nosy and listening to our conversation and then she has the nerve to tell me I have no respect for nature. This really pissed me off.

Anyways that's all for today.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

~Henna Obsessed~

Salam Sisters,

Today's post will be a quick one. So my henna from Eid has disappeared and we had left over tubes of henna so of course I did my henna again. I also did my cousins's.

I guess the saying practice makes perfect is true because the more I put Henna the more I'm getting better at it. I'm not great at it yet but inshallahI get better.
That's all for today. Inshallah I will talk to you in another post.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

~A Week in Photos~

Salam Sisters,

I know I have been MIA and took so long to put up my Eid OOTD. But, now I have gotten back into the flow of things and inshallah will be able to do posts regularly. I thought I would try something new and share with you guys what I have been up to while I was away.

1. Fall semester for College has started and I have been busy buying textbooks, rearranging my scheduale, and doing homework. =[
2. This whole summer my family did not go to the beach. So we planned a trip to the beach before Fall begins. I usually hate the beach but I actually enjoyed myself this time. It wasn't as crowded or as hot. We bought food with us for lunch and the sea gulls tried stealing it. 
3. I went shopping and bought myself lots of lotion at Bath and Body Works. [They were having a sale.]
4. My sisters and I made cupcakes for fun.
5. My sisters and I went to the shoe store and tried on shoes. We didn't buy anything eventhough I was in love with the blue heels pictured above.
6. Went to a  party. I love getting dressed up in Desi clothes with bangles.
7. Went to the airport to pick up my cousins who were coming back from their vacation.

That's all for now. Take care.

Monday, September 12, 2011

~Dressing up 4 Eid~

Salam Sisters,

Hope all of you are well. This is a very late Eid OOTD. I have been really busy and haven't been able to post this till today.

I wore a Anarkali Shalwar Kameez. So this is how the top looks on the hanger. It is short sleeved and the pants are skinny legged. Its a really flowy top [which I am attempting to show on the 3rd picture.] Of course all the detail in the top portion got covered up by my hijab.

I added this cardigan from Wet Seal. I love this cardigan and pair it with lots of different outfits.


Shalwars come with their own scarves called duppattas. Mine came with a plain red one which I paired with the whiteish scarf above.

I ended up wearing the hijab like this. [LOL this looks so weird after I cut my face out]

So that's my delayed Eid OOTD!!
Inshallah I will talk to you in another post till then Allahafiz.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

~It's Eid~

Salaam Sisters!!!!

Eid Mubarak! I hope all of you had a wonderful and joyful Eid with your family and friends. My Eid was great but not as great as it could’ve been because some of my family and friends celebrated a different day then me. I don’t understand why this keeps happening every year I hate that we can’t agree on one day and celebrate in unity. Other than this fact I had a fun time.

I love putting on Henna/Mehandi the day before Eid. I ended up doing my own hand as well as my sisters which was fun but I am not the greatest Henna artist. I also went a little crazy and didn’t want to stop putting it on my hand even though my hand was already filled up.

My Eid day consisted of my family and I going to pray then talking on Skype with family back home. Afterwards we had a huge lunch of goat biryani, and fried chicken. Throughout the day people kept coming to visit us which was awesome.

Insallah I will put up a Eid OOTD soon…Till then,

Saturday, August 27, 2011

~Ramadan..oh how I will miss thou~

Salam Sisters,
Can you believe Ramadan is almost over? This Ramadan has definitely been different for me then past Ramadans. Maybe because this Ramadan was during summer vacation so I actually had time to focus on Ramadan and not worry about homework and class. I am going to miss many things about Ramadan and here are the top three:
  • Family time: Usually my family doesn’t eat together we all have different things to do and are usually busy so we end up waking up, eating, coming, going at different times but because of suhoor and ifthar times we all ended up eating together which was fun.
  • Tarawi Prayers: I started going to Tarawi prayers near the last weeks of Ramadan and it was really nice. I really like seeing other Muslims that lived around me. And it made me feel closer to these people since we were all there at the Masjid for the same reason.
  • Walking in the street after Tarawi: I usually am not outside after midnight unless I went to a party or something. It was wonderful walking in the streets that were near empty. I liked that there wasn’t many cars on the road and the slight summer breeze.

What will you guys miss?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

~College Bound~

Salaam Sisters,
Can't believe how fast time flies summer is almost over! Today I decided I would share some tips on college/university for those sisters who will be starting this semester.
  • Join your school Muslim Student club/ organizations!!! Seriously, I was so stupid and didn’t join freshman year because I thought that it would be weird since I didn’t wear hijab. I don’t know what was wrong with me. I also was really nervous to walk into the MSA. I thought no one would talk to me and it would just be awkward. I joined last year and I felt so stupid for not going earlier. I found out about Islamic events taking place at my school as well as schools near us. I also met some really nice sisters and it made me wonder what I was so nervous about. No matter if you wear the hijab or not you should join the MSA you can meet people that go to your school that you probably would never meet. Its also great because you can pray there. Its really convenient.
  • Study! Okay so this tip probably seems really unnecessary but I felt the need to include it. When I was in high school I was the type of student that never studied. I rarely studied for tests and still did well in the classes just by remembering what I learned in class. Freshman year I went into college with this habit and didn’t study for my classes. Big mistake I did horrible on my first few tests and realized I actually needed to study on my own. Some professors didn’t even explain certain concepts properly and I had to rely on the textbook and my own study time. So it probably seems like a stupid tip but I feel its really important.
  • Buy used textbooks and look online for good deals. Freshman year I bought all my textbooks at my school store. I was stupid and got new textbooks which are double the price and when I went to sell them back I didn’t even get half the money back. I was so mad I bought this one textbook for $100 and when I went to sell it I got $6 back that’s it no joke! Look online and try to find better deals then your school store. You could be using the left over money on other things.
  • Use a site like Rate my Professor to find out about your professor before you take a class with them. In college the professor is really important. If you don’t like the professor or they way they teach your grades will suffer. If you don’t like to listen to lectures don’t pick a professor who only lectures etc. Unlike in high school you actually get to choose your professor. So don’t get stuck with someone you won’t like.
Okay so those are the tips I felt were important and if I could go back in time I would follow them all. Inshallah these tips help some you guys. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

~Seriously, What is wrong with this picture?~

Assalamu Walaikum Sisters,

I was reading this sister’s blog when I came across this picture which really annoyed me.

First of all this picture makes it look like that if you don’t wear an abaya you are going to hell. I find this really offensive and wrong . Yes, a Muslim woman is supposed to be modest but that’s not the only thing she’s supposed to be. There is many aspects to a Muslim women not just clothing; behavior, intentions and other things are accounted for. This picture makes it look like as long as you wear an abaya you will go to jannah. I actually find the other woman’s outfit really cute and with a few tweaks I would even wear it. What do you ladies think about this picture?

Thanks for reading. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

~You don't need to feel Sorry!~

Salam Sisters,

As you all might know I recently began wearing hijab it hasn't even been a year so I still get surprised reactions from people when they see me after awhile with my hair covered. Everybody is different and each person has a different reaction and many people's reaction to my hijab has been fine. The other day something happened that really annoyed me.

So there's this lady who's my mom's friend. She invitd my family to her house for her daughter's birthday party [this was in April] and I got all dressed up in a fancy shalwar and my hijab. I hadn't seen this lady since I started wearing hijab so my family walks in and she greets us and then her jaw drops when she sees me. I smile at her and she asks me "What's that on your head??!" I smiled and I was like a scarf. Then she makes a face and she's like "Did your mom make you do it? Why'd you make her wear that she's young?" My mom says I didn't make her do anything it was her decision. I just smiled and didn't say anything. 

So the other day this lady comes to my house. Apparently she was behind me when I was walking home from the library but I didn't see her. She come's over and she's talking with my mom and when I walk into the room she starts telling my mom how bad she feels for me. She tells my mom how she was walking behind me and how I had a scarf wrapped around my head and was wearing long sleeves in this hot weather and how it's so hot and why I feel the need to wear it. She also says she knows many other Muslims in America and back home and they don't wear it so why do I have too? She goes on a whole big rant about how she feels sorry for me and then my mom tries to explain why we wear the hijab.   

I told her you don't need to feel sorry for me and I do it because I want to please Allah. But, I was really annoyed and frustrated that she felt sorry for me because I was wearing the hijab. I mean if I was sick or had an essay due the next day she could feel sorry for me and I would totally join in with her to talk about how my life sucks but I really didn't think the hijab was something to feel bad about. And I know she's not the only person who feels this way but seriously I just wish they could understand you don't need to feel sorry! 

Anyways, I hope Ramadan's going well for eveyone.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

~Hadeeth Time~

Salam Ladies,

Hope fasting is going well for you all. Thought I would come do a qick post today.

I heard 2 hadeeths today and thought I would share them with you guys. These hadeeth were told to me by some other people and I'm just retelling it to you guys in my own words [which probably doesn't sound very scholarly like lol].  

I don't know if you all know the dua you should say when exiting the house if you don't its here it is:
 Bismillahi tawakkal tu alal laahi la howla wala quwwata illa billah(i)
Well the hadeeth says when you exit the house Satan is waiting by your door to lead you astray and entice you to do bad things. When you step out of the house the first thing you should say is the above dua which will show Satan that you are not easily mislead and he will leave to go bug someone else. [Now when I leave my house I imagine satan waiting by the door and I say the dua and karate chop him and say take that satan you are not going to mislead me today! lol] 

The other hadeeth actually has something to do with Ramadan. Its about how duas asked by a person who is fasting. When it is asked during iftar time Allah [swt] will not refuse it.

So those were the 2 hadeeths you guys probably have already heard them but I thought they were cool so I decided to share. I can't believe how fast Ramadan is going and hopefully everyone's fasting isn't hard and is going well. Don't forget to ask dua during iftar! =]


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

~It's Ramadan~

Hello Ladies,

Ramadan Mubarak!!
Can You believe it? Its already the third day and before you know it it’ll be Eid.

I was worried fasting will be hard this year because I would have to fast for more then 15 hours but it’s not bad at all allhumdulillah.

When I’m fasting I try not to do anything, especially go outside in this over 100F weather. But, yesterday I had to run some errands for my mom and all the walking in the sun really made me thirsty. I was trying to keep my mind of the thirst by saying all the surahs I have memorized over and over in my head and it really helped.

Fasting is really helping me be a better person [I feel like that’s a cliché lol] but its really true. I was talking with people yesterday and they started talking about another person and I was like I shouldn’t say anything and excused myself and left. Yah me!!! [Inshallah I can keep this up even after Ramadan. Its really hard to not get sucked into a conversation no matter how hard you try.]

I really want to go to the park lol I know that’s so random and has nothing to do with Ramadan but, in July my family and I went to this park for a BBQ and had a blast. The park we went to was pretty big and had a lake which you could go boating on. They had the options of renting a pedal boat or a row boat and I opted for the pedal boat because I have already tried row boating. I loved the pedal boat it was much more easier to control then a row boat. You just pedal to make it go and there is a stick thingy in the middle which you move left or right to steer. After boating we ate and played badminton, and soccer. Afterward, we were just sitting around the park bored when I got my whole entire family to join in on a game of charades. It was loads of fun and hilarious watching my parents, my uncles and aunties acting. The day was awesome and jam packed with family bonding and remembering that day really makes me thankful to Allah for all the he has given me [mashallah].

That’s all for today folks =]

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

~So excited so So excited!!~

Hey Peoples,
No I’m not excited because of Friday (it’s not even Friday lol.) I’m excited for Ramadan!! So on today’s post I decided to talk about Ramadan and my Ramadan resolutions before it begins. Here is a short and quick definition for Ramadan for those who don’t know what I’m talking about, Ramadan is a month in the Islamic lunar calendar. During this month, Muslims fast everyday from dawn to sunset.
 My Ramadan Resolutions! (inshallah I accomplish them)
1.       Pray 5 times a day on time!!!
2.       Read the entire Quran. [I tried to do this last year but I couldn’t complete the entire Quran by the end of Ramadan. =/]
3.       No watching TV, or movies. [This one will be hard I like to watch food network when I’m fasting for some reason it doesn’t make me hungry and it makes the time go by fast!]
4.       No gossiping [I’m not a gossiper but I do sometimes talk or say something I shouldn’t so I want to try to totally refrain from thisJ]

That’s all the things I can think of. Do any of you have resolutions you want to accomplish?
Thinking about Ramadan also reminds me of some pet peeves I have associated with this time of the year. Here are some:
·         People telling me I probably will die without food.
·         People asking if I want food even though they know I’m fasting.
·         People making a big deal about how I can’t eat.
·         People coming to Lailatul Qadr prayers all dressed up like its some fashion show. Seriously you are there to pray not to show people your fancy shalwars, sarees, lehangas, and abayas.
·         Ladies who come to the masjid even though they can’t pray and they sit in the back and gossip.

[Shalwar, Saree, Lehenga, and Abaya. Pictures from Google Images]

But, there are definitely more great things about Ramadan that make these pet peeves seem pointless.
That’s all for today!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

~Best Friend Tag~

Hey You Guys,
I was watching some Best Friend Tag videos on YouTube and really wanted to do one. So I decided to ask my friend Yasmin to answer the questions with me. Here are our answers.
1. How and when did you meet?
Y: Senior year of high school.
S: Yea in English class. A mutual friend of ours thought she had class the same period as us and came into class and introduced us then half way through the class she discovered she was in the wrong class and she had this class the period after and left. LOL
2. What's your favorite memory together?
Y: When we dressed up as Mario and Luigi on Twin Day. The outfits consisted of red and green shirts, and fake mustaches.
S: I totally forgot about that but now I have to agree. I remember you glued a fake mustache on yourself.
3. Describe each other in one word.
S: Passionate
Y: Amiable
4. What's your dream job?
Y: I think your dream job would be Fashion designer.
S: Really, that’s my sister’s but I could see myself doing that too. All I know is I would want to do something to make a name for myself. I’m thinking yours is doctor because you want to be one so bad.
Y: It would actually be a bakery owner.
S: OMG cupcakes =P
5. What's your favorite makeup brand?
Y: I’m not sure CoverGirl?
S: Really I’ve never used Cover Girl I’m not a make uppy person but I would say Este Lauder actually cause I have a lot of Estee Lauder stuff. I’m not sure what’s yours. Maybe yours is CoverGirl.
Y: No its Mac.
S: I was thinking that because I feel like everyone loves mac!!
6. What is something that annoys you about the other person?
Y: You live far away from me.
S: Yea and its annoying how our schedules are so jam packed we can never meet up.
7. If you could go anywhere in the world together, where would it be and why?
Y: Florida because we’ve both been there. Anywhere, really.
S: Yea I feel like anywhere and it’ll be fun. But Florida will be awesome we can go to Universals and go on the rides together. Wizarding world =]
9. Who takes longer to get ready in the morning?
Y: Probably me, I procrastinate.
S: I think I would have to agree.
10. Favorite season?
Y: The Summer
S: No, OMG I hate the summer except for the no school part. Mine would have to be Fall or Winter. I was thinking either winter or summer for you.
Y: No actually summer or fall.
11. Favorite song?
Y: Taylor Swift
S: LOL really? I do like her song Love Story but I really don’t have a favorite song it changes all the time when new songs come. Umm not sure what yours would be.
Y: Any song by Ingrid Michaelson
13. Heels or flats?
Y: Flats
S: Flats!!
14. Pants or dresses?
Y:I think for her, pants are more comfortable, but dresses are more fun, especially during the Summer.
S: Yea correct I just started wearing dresses. And for you dresses.
Y: Yea, lately it’s been dresses.
15. Favorite animal?
Y: Cat?
S: No! lol I find cats creepy mine would have to be horses. I know you like cats right.
Y: Yes.
16. If your house was burning down, and your entire family was sure to be okay, what would you save and why?
Y: Your notebook?
S: A notebook really I don’t think I have a notebook worth saving lol maybe photo albums. You would probably save the same thing too.
Y: I meant a notebook like a laptop but Yea for me something sentimental
S: Oh lol. Maybe I do have pictures on it.
. 17. Comedy, horror, or chick-flick?
Y: Comedy
S: Yea and I like chick flicks too but not horror. But, you I think horror.
Y: I hate horror (ghosts), but I don’t mind gore.
18. Blackberry or iPhone?
Y: iPhone =p
S: Yes and same for you =]
19. Favorite movie?
Y: The lion king?
S: Really, I don’t have a favorite I like Disney movies but I also like the notebook and romantic movies like that. Yours is Julia and Julia?
Y: The first thing that popped into my head is lord of the rings actually.
20. What is something weird that you eat?
S: I’m not sure we usually eat out when we are together.
Y: Ice cream with French fries
S: LOL I don’t think I eat weird things.
21. Do you guys have anything matching?
Y: The peace rings. And I think your sister and I have a similar shirt. (But that doesn’t count, does it)
S: No I don’t think it does but yea the rings and I think we have matching earrings too.
22. What's your favorite TV show?
Y: Pretty Little Liars
S: LOL yea or The Vampire Diaries. You I’m going to guess Gossip Girl but I think that’s more your sister then you.
Y: Mine is The Office.
Okay that’s the tag hope you guys found this fun to read even though you guys probably don’t care what our favorite movies are. BTW keep a look out Yasmin will be posting something interesting and thought provoking on here soon [inshallah].


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

~it ALL ends~

Hey Everybody,
This weekend was Harry Potter weekend and it was awesome and sad at the same time. I have been so excited to see the movie but now it’s so sad because Harry Potter is over. There are no more books or movies to look forward too. This movie coming out has also made me feel old I have been reading Harry Potter since I was in 4th grade and now I’m in college and soon will be graduating [inshallah]. It made me realize how fast time passes. I decided to do a movie review like post today so here goes.

[SPOLIER: If you haven’t watched the movie yet or haven’t read the 7th book I would stop now.]  
The movie was great I thought they did a wonderful job of bringing everything to life. Before watching the movie I was wondering how they would show certain parts like the dragon scene in Gringotts and the knight statues coming to life, and the whole battle but the movie was brilliantly done. I thought the carts they ride in the bank into the vaults were really cool and that could be made into a rollercoaster ride in the Wizarding world in Universals. 
I was disappointed that they didn’t focus a little bit more on the deaths of Fred, Lupin, and Tonks. I thought that was very important, while I was reading the book when I read that they had died I almost cried but the movie just brushed past it. Also with the final scene when they were all adults I was mad that they didn’t show the whole thing they left out the funny parts with Ron and Harry’s son and I wanted to see that. But, I did think it was great how they made them look old and did that whole scene. I’m glad they didn’t use older actors that wouldn’t have been right.
My favorite 10 moments from the movie in no particular order:
1.       Bellatrix’s duel with Mrs. Weasley and her (Bellatrix) death.
2.       Snape’s memory.
3.       Professor McGonagall defending Harry from Snape.
4.       When Voldemort realizes the elder wand belongs to Harry.
5.       Neville killing Nagini
6.       Ron and Hermione’s kiss
7.       Neville’s speech and Harry coming back to life
8.       Escaping on the dragon from the Gringotts
9.       19 years later
10.   The Malfoy’s running away from the battle

Overall the movie was breathtaking and fantastic I would definitely go see it again and again and I’m not saying that because I’m a Harry Potter fanatic [lol].      
Thanks for reading.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

~I'm Back...and ready to Blog~

Hey Peoples,

I know I have been neglecting this blog for awhile summer classes are really hectic and time consuming!! Classes are starting to wind down and inshallah I'll have time to update and put up some new posts. So check back soon =]


Monday, June 13, 2011

~Vibrant Summer Maxi~

Hey Everybody!!
I know I have been gone for awhile and I apologize. I am taking summer classes and they are very time consuming. It makes sense since I’m taking 2 normal 15 week courses in 6 weeks.
Today I thought I’d do an OOTD! I wore a maxi dress and this was my first time wearing a dress to a non-formal class environment. When I think maxi dress I think “awesome, great coverage with no effort…” WRONG!!!  The dress was hard to deal with and I had to be more cautious of not exposing my legs even though I was wearing tights underneath. Other than the whole dilemma with the leg exposure I really loved my outfit today. I felt really girly, summery and overall in a really happy, sunny mood. I guess it’s good to dress in bright fun colors sometimes.  
I really liked that this dress encompassed the color-blocking trend!

I don't know if you can see the colors but it's purple, yellow, turquoise, and then purple again.   

When ever I wear this cardigan someone tells me I'm wearing it the worng way. But I'm not it's made like that.

Dress: Rainbow
Cardigan: Aeropostle
Shoes: Target

I wore a long sleeved purple shirt underneath and a purple hijab!  

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

~Staying Cool~

Hey There,

I know I have been gone for awhile and I am sorry for that. Finals are over and summer session will start soon. I really didn’t want to take classes during the summer but I have to if I want to graduate sooner.

The weather has been getting hotter and hotter. This is my first summer wearing hijab and I decided to share with you guys some ways you can stay cool in this heat.

1) Wear lighter colored hijabs. Try colors like white, and light pastels. Stay away from black!!! And any other dark colors. If you do wear dark colors the sun will be attracted to your head like a magnet.

2) Use thinner hijabs. You might have to wrap it twice to get good coverage but its way better the wrapping a thick pashmina.

3) Wrap loosely around the neck area. This will allow for cool air to get in.

4) Lose the under cap/bonnet if you can.

5) Wear long sleeved shirts. This is better then layering on top after top to make something hijab friendly. One long sleeved shirt that covers everything is going to keep you cooler compared to wearing a long sleeved shirt under a top or a cardigan over a top. More layers the hotter you’ll be.

6) Wear loose cargo pants, or skirts instead of jeans. Jeans are thicker and darker!

7) Use sunscreen and beware of the hijab tan line. I speak from experience when we went on vacation I got a tan line on my forehead half my face was lighter then the rest!!!!

8) Drink and Carry water. I know this is obvious but people forget water is better then soda, or other sugary drinks!!!
Hope these help!!